Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Update: Over the Holidays

Over the holidays we had completed the taking photos and videos for the facebook profiles for our protagonists and uploaded them. We also filmed our title sequence clips (such as opening the laptop and the viewing of the photos and videos). The only troubles we had were the uploading (my upload speed at home isn't too great, and therefore that took longer than it should have done) and when other members in the group were unable to film on certain days due to other plans.

Now we need to:
  • Convert all the clips on mpeg streamclip to dv
  • start the editing process (first draft finished by 4th March)
  • Sort out the sound (sort out the soundtrack and film foley sound)  

In one of our clips, there is footage of a zombie that the protagonists don't notice in the background, this is a photo to document what our zombie looked like, we decided not to be as detailed as the make up tutorial previously showed due to the fact that the video would be filmed on a phone and not on the zombie all the time as it was to be un-noticed. 


This is the first draft of our soundtrack, we decided to make the sound sound a little muted. It sounded fine on final cut pro but has distorted a little bit when uploaded to youtube, which we will have to correct.

-make foley sound (typing, mouse clicking???)

-Use this for intro titles (tall productions/ A zombie movie???)

Costumes (Plan)

This is a plan of the clothes that our protagonists would wear (of something to that effect). Throughout the shoot, our actors will wear something to this effect.